Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Decisions, Decisions....

Decisions, decisions... I am terrible when it comes to making decisions and this time is no exception to that... 

As a member of the Scholarship Committee I have spent many nights reading and re-reading the essays, applications and letters of recommendation for these high school seniors that have applied.(The ones I was given to read and take care of that is.... ) 

I have asked myself over and over "What does it take and mean to be a well rounded student and person?" Well, I do like to think of myself as being well rounded and as a student I went to a tiny 2A high school that I excelled at and loved! That little school has come a long way since I graduated as far as programs they now offer to have their students more ready for college and certification programs that are offered now that I definitely would have taken advantage of if they had them when I was in school but instead I took some AP courses and took certification courses once I graduated high school which led me to the medical field...strange how things change huh... after many years in the medical field I decided to stay at home with our son, Connor, and then I began my real estate career, which has been the best decision ever. The people I have met, my co-workers that are like family to me, new friends I have made, and the knowledge I have gained has made this career an amazing choice for me. I love meeting people, talking and helping others in any way possible. 

So, as I am reading all of these applications for Scholarships how will I ever decide on who my top picks are to present to the rest of my committee members? They are all so good and well deserving! I want to just be able to say YES to them all but I know it just doesn't work that way.
So, yall help me out.... if you were in my shoes tell me some qualities YOU would look for in the well rounded high schooler that would put them above all others and make them your pick!!

Now, off  to read some more applications but please do comment and give me your input (share with friends for more input as well if you would like) The more opinions and comments the better....Thank you all!! 
-Hope Knepper, Realtor ®


  1. How great that you are in a position to influence some great kids. I know somewhat the dilemma you are facing as I felt the same way when judging at a regional science fair. What I found in that experience was that, roughly the kids are divided into two groups. The first group has supportive parents and perform to a high academic level. The second group comes from a more disadvantaged background and it shows in the type of work they are able to produce. For example, one project I judged from the second group was nicely done but it didn't cite any sources. Instead of just penalizing the project I asked the student if she read any books about her topic. She replied enthusiastically about the books she had read. She simply didn't have anyone at home who could tell her that citing sources is part of a scientific project. I told her where in her project she should have listed her books and why it was important. I gave her a blue ribbon. If I ran into that problem with the advantaged kids I was a little more severe with them. I truly hope that the shy little girl who got the blue ribbon I gave her took from the experience that hard work and putting herself out there will be rewarded. I don't really know how many other achievements she may have had prior to that science fair.

    I guess what I am trying to say is if there is a way to determine who will get the most encouragement from the scholarship, that is a good place for it to go. Sometimes it is the striving student, not the already excellent student that will have their lives changed by the scholarship.

    What you are doing is very hard and so very important. Yes, look for the brilliance but also look for the tryer. Both are deserving. Don't know if this helps but I know what it is like to agonize over making the best choices in these situations. I know the kids are in good hands with someone who cares as much as you do.

    1. Thank you for all of your kind words and great advice! I hope you and Mike are doing great!!

  2. Kudos for all you've achieved and accomplished...and for being part of the selection committee. Your Aunt Susan pointed me in your direction....she states that she has much faith in the insights of her friends. Knowing just a few of them myself, I believe in her judgment. Perhaps that is a measure of a, scholarship applicant...those who call them friend, and seek their counsel (-cil?). True that it is often folly to judge others (at all...or) by their circle of friends...but, the activities those seekers are a part of can speak volumes. Not, necessarily, the "planned" activities that "look good" on a scholarship application...but those everyday occurrances of tutoring/mentoring that come naturally to those with giving hearts and open minds. It seems that leadership is often cited as an important quality...but, what of those Seconds-in-command that serve as liaisons, that seek to bring disparate personalities together? Certainly there is no strength without those that serve as glue. How to find them? Perhaps they describe the variety of activities they've been involved with in a way that highlights the whole, rather than their particular role. I'm not sure how to find that student that offers encouragement to others...that seeks to strengthen those that are in direct competition with them....or whom accomplish much by building bridges instead of towers. I only know that those that bring hope to others are capable of amazing things, and lift those around them as well. I'm not at all sure if these words will aid you in your quest...but it made ME feel hopeful! Best wishes!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to give a little advice to me. I appreciate it very much and you have made wonderful points that I will definitely keep in mind!! It is a very tough decision..wish we had enough for everyone!!

  3. Kudos for all you've achieved and accomplished...and for being part of the selection committee. Your Aunt Susan pointed me in your direction....she states that she has much faith in the insights of her friends. Knowing just a few of them myself, I believe in her judgment. Perhaps that is a measure of a, scholarship applicant...those who call them friend, and seek their counsel (-cil?). True that it is often folly to judge others (at all...or) by their circle of friends...but, the activities those seekers are a part of can speak volumes. Not, necessarily, the "planned" activities that "look good" on a scholarship application...but those everyday occurrances of tutoring/mentoring that come naturally to those with giving hearts and open minds. It seems that leadership is often cited as an important quality...but, what of those Seconds-in-command that serve as liaisons, that seek to bring disparate personalities together? Certainly there is no strength without those that serve as glue. How to find them? Perhaps they describe the variety of activities they've been involved with in a way that highlights the whole, rather than their particular role. I'm not sure how to find that student that offers encouragement to others...that seeks to strengthen those that are in direct competition with them....or whom accomplish much by building bridges instead of towers. I only know that those that bring hope to others are capable of amazing things, and lift those around them as well. I'm not at all sure if these words will aid you in your quest...but it made ME feel hopeful! Best wishes!
